
Before the Storm

Feather print top $3 - Marshall's; Yellow skirt $15 pattern belt $4 elephant ring $4 - Forever21; necklace $6 - thrifted

When I woke up this morning I didn't feel like getting dressed. With no work over the weekend and all of my friends moving back to school I was in full-on bum mode. Then I turned on the Weather Channel to see what else, but the estimated path of Hurricane Irene, and I knew that today was the last day I had to wear something fun. If the storm is really as terrible as everyone is making it out to be, I imagine I'll be huddled up inside in a huge sweater and my Muk Luks slippers. 

We've started to move our patio furniture, flowers pots, or anything that could potentially be whisked away by 70 mph winds into the shed. Other than that, I'm not sure how prepared my household is for Irene. I'm afraid if the power goes out I'll be eating meals of Chips Ahoy! and Spam all weekend. I don't even move back to school until the quarter starts in mid-September, so thanks a bunch, Irene, for ruining my last official weekend of summer! 


  1. Girl, I feel the same way!! I'm getting hit with the storm tonight in VA and it's just looking uglier for us. Luckily I have a gas stove/oven so I can still cook but no phone or internet will kill me!! haha..

    Anywho, I adore you last cute look before the storm. I tried to go that route too.

  2. Hello,
    I just found your blog via chictopia. Love your blog & cute style!
    Now following ... :)
