

Sheer Genius

Sheer navy blouse, Chelsea boots - H&M / Yellow skirt, gold necklace - Forever21 / Black opaque tights - Hue / Blazer - thrifted 
I've come to realize that the title of this post it a bit misleading, because this shirt has been the biggest pain to style. All summer I was inundated with streetstyle photos of model-esque waifs rocking sheer blouses via tumblr (and just about every other corner of the internet). But once this blouse came into my possession, I realized that I lacked the confidence to ever wear it out of the house with just a bra on underneath. But I think I figured it out, and for now, or until I become a regular at the gym, I'm going to keep my undergarments hidden.


  1. I love your whole outfit especially your yellow skirt! :)

  2. I absolutely love sheer blouses, but I know what you mean. It's hard to style something that can make you look totally hot or totally slutty. LOL. I usually wear a nude tank or bralette underneath, which it looks like you did with the tank. Love the blue and yellow together. That skirt is super cute! <3


  3. I can't tell you how many times I've picked up and put back down this shirt (or ones like it) in stores. I have the same issue with the confidence thing. Plus I don't live in a fashion forward city and I think it might really shock some people around here haha :D

  4. The blouse looks fabulous, and I LOVE how you styled it! The yellow skirt is too cute, and that necklace is so pretty :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  5. your blog is insanely beautiful and your style is spot on! obsessed with it. you deserve more recognition! instafollow. follow me back? :)
