

DIY: Turquoise Beaded Necklace

I've always had an affinity for turquoise jewelry; my favorite necklace when I was a kid was a strand of turquoise beads from New Mexico, and last summer a ring with a turquoise stone was eternally glued to my finger. What I like most about this color stone is that it compliments a range of different colors, my favorites being black, red, and yellow. Turquoise necklaces have come back in a big way and I've found myself longing for a statement piece. I couldn't find one that was just right, so I made one myself and thought I'd share how I did it! 

What you'll need:
-  2 strands of turquoise beads from the craft store
- clasp, chain, and rings to create the closure
- scissors
- new chain or string
- needle and thread

First, determine the desired length of your necklace. If you're putting the beads on a new string or chain, measure and cut the string or purchase a chain of your desired length. For the beads I used, I kept them on their original strand. I overlapped the ends of two strands, then used thread to secure to the loose ends to the opposite strand.

Using your pliers and rings, attached the clasp and chain closures to the ends. Make sure you pinch the rings closed tightly so that the strand or thread won't slip through!

And that's it! I wore mine all day today. I picked these beads because their shape reminded me of coral or a coral reef. I think I'd like to make one out of turquoise needles too. 

I put the finished product on my new jewelry stand!


  1. Wow, thanks for this tutorial! I love turquoise jewelry too and this necklace is so pretty!

  2. Your necklace is gorgeous. I would love to make one but I'm not sure how you make the "coral" pieces that are attached to the main strand of seed beads? Any advice? Thank you.

  3. Hi Kathie! That's all part of the same strand of beads, the coral-like pieces are attached to the main strand. I didn't make that part myself, I found strands like that in the craft store. But if you can't find similar strands of beads I would suggest simply stringing your own smaller pieces, knotting one end to keep the beads secure, and tying the other end around the main strand. Sorry I couldn't be of more help!
