

The Sun's Not Yellow

Another lazy day: I slept in, fawned over the espresso machine in the kitchen I had missed so dearly, and several new dresses came into my possession. I order one online last week and found two more at the Salvation Army today, along with a lace collar top. It's a floral print (surprise! not.) and sort of cropped so I'm pretty much at a loss as to how to style it. Especially because my wardrobe for the next week and a half has been confined to what I could fit into a small suitcase and carry-on bag. The temperatures are slowly rising so I layered a cardigan and blazer instead of wearing a coat. This is also the first time I'm wearing this pair of knee-high socks. Yay for trying something new! Boo for being super-late trend-wise.

Red dress -
Blazer - thrifted
Gray cardigan - Forever 21
Gray knee socks - Urban Outfitters
Brown boots - thrifted


  1. That dress is adorable! I stalked it on Alloy for a while, but didn't end up getting it.


  2. Thank you! I ripped out a picture of it and stuck it on one of my inspiration boards last February, and I watched until it went on sale. It's really versatile, I like it a lot.

  3. You look super sweet my dear. :)

    xx Love & Aloha

  4. Gahhh so cute :)
    p.s. WOW fml it's so sunny there and it hasn't stopped raining here...why is my timing always so terrible?? i also want to see this blouse you got with shanny!
